CRA Information

  1. “Forms & Publications”
  2. “T1135 – Foreign Income Verification Statement” – new rules effective with the 2014 tax filing year affecting all Canadians owning foreign investments and properties.
  3. “Donation Receipts may NOT be issued for Gifts of Services, including donated time, skills, or efforts”
  4. “Sample Official Donation Receipts”explains what is required to be showing on “Official Receipts for Income Tax Purposes”.
  5. “Tax Information for Individuals, Families, Businesses, Charities and Trusts”
  6. “Work-Space-in-the-Home Expenses” – applicable to commissioned employees.
  7. “Work-Space-in-the-Home Expenses” – applicable to salaried employees.
  8. “Business-Use-of-Home Expenses” – applicable to home-based businesses.

CRA’s New Online Research Library called Income Tax Folios: