- “Forms & Publications”
- “T1135 – Foreign Income Verification Statement” – new rules effective with the 2014 tax filing year affecting all Canadians owning foreign investments and properties.
- “Donation Receipts may NOT be issued for Gifts of Services, including donated time, skills, or efforts”
- “Sample Official Donation Receipts” – explains what is required to be showing on “Official Receipts for Income Tax Purposes”.
- “Tax Information for Individuals, Families, Businesses, Charities and Trusts”
- “Work-Space-in-the-Home Expenses” – applicable to commissioned employees.
- “Work-Space-in-the-Home Expenses” – applicable to salaried employees.
- “Business-Use-of-Home Expenses” – applicable to home-based businesses.
CRA’s New Online Research Library called Income Tax Folios: